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Our Classes
Ballet - Intermediate II (12 and up) (6430)

For more information contact the Education Department at 417-413-2287 or e-mail
TAKE FOUR AND GET MORE!Sign-up for four classes and go UNLIMITED for each additional class with our Unlimited Class Pass.
Tap - Intermediate II (12 and up) (6430)

For more information contact the Education Department at 417-413-2287 or e-mail
TAKE FOUR AND GET MORE!Sign-up for four classes and go UNLIMITED for each additional class with our Unlimited Class Pass.
Modern/ Contemporary Dance (14 and up) (6430)

For more information contact the Education Department at 417-413-2287 or e-mail
TAKE FOUR AND GET MORE!Sign-up for four classes and go UNLIMITED for each additional class with our Unlimited Class Pass.
Ballet - Beginner (12 and up) (6430)

For more information contact the Education Department at 417-413-2287 or e-mail
TAKE FOUR AND GET MORE!Sign-up for four classes and go UNLIMITED for each additional class with our Unlimited Class Pass.
Tap - Intermediate I (12 and up) (6430)

For more information contact the Education Department at 417-413-2287 or e-mail
TAKE FOUR AND GET MORE!Sign-up for four classes and go UNLIMITED for each additional class with our Unlimited Class Pass.
Ballet - Intermediate I (12 and up) (6430)

For more information contact the Education Department at 417-413-2287 or e-mail
TAKE FOUR AND GET MORE!Sign-up for four classes and go UNLIMITED for each additional class with our Unlimited Class Pass.
Tap - Beginner (12 and up) (6430)

For more information contact the Education Department at 417-413-2287 or e-mail
TAKE FOUR AND GET MORE!Sign-up for four classes and go UNLIMITED for each additional class with our Unlimited Class Pass.
Devising Original Theatre presented by D.O.T.S. (Teens & Adults) (6430)
with Gretchen Teague

Learn how to create original theatre performances in a variety of collaborative ways. Devising performances collaboratively is an alternative to the traditional playwright to director path for plays. When you join this class you will learn the building blocks of devising as well as how to give and receive feedback to improve creative ideas. In addition, we will learn how to submit a proof of concept or workshopped piece for festivals.
Presented in partnership with Devising Original Theatre Springfield (D.O.T.S.)
For more information contact the Education Department at 417-413-2287 or e-mail
TAKE FOUR AND GET MORE!Sign-up for four classes and go UNLIMITED for each additional class with our Unlimited Class Pass.