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Our Classes
Jazz - Beginner (12 and up) (6430)

For more information contact the Education Department at 417-413-2287 or e-mail
TAKE FOUR AND GET MORE!Sign-up for four classes and go UNLIMITED for each additional class with our Unlimited Class Pass.
Jazz - Intermediate I (12 and up) (6430)

For more information contact the Education Department at 417-413-2287 or e-mail
TAKE FOUR AND GET MORE!Sign-up for four classes and go UNLIMITED for each additional class with our Unlimited Class Pass.
Jazz - Intermediate II (12 and up) (6430)

For more information contact the Education Department at 417-413-2287 or e-mail
TAKE FOUR AND GET MORE!Sign-up for four classes and go UNLIMITED for each additional class with our Unlimited Class Pass.
Inside The Dancer's Studio (14 and up) (6430)
with Lorianne Dunn

For more information contact the Education Department at 417-413-2287 or e-mail
TAKE FOUR AND GET MORE!Sign-up for four classes and go UNLIMITED for each additional class with our Unlimited Class Pass.
Choreography Lab (14 and up) (6430)
with Lorianne Dunn

For more information contact the Education Department at 417-413-2287 or e-mail
TAKE FOUR AND GET MORE!Sign-up for four classes and go UNLIMITED for each additional class with our Unlimited Class Pass.
Acting Basics (Ages 9-12) (6720)

SESSION IV: February 15 – April 6, 2025
Always wanted to be an actor, but didn’t know where to start? Come “play” with us in Acting Basics. This class focuses on fun and creativity through theatre games and dramatic story-building. Group interaction and cooperation in playing a scene will be emphasized.
BECOME A TRIPLE THREAT!Sign-up for two classes or more in a session and receive a 10% discount on each additional class. Discount available at check out.
Will run
Broadway Babies (Ages 4-5) (6720)

SESSION IV: February 15 – April 6, 2025
An exciting exploration of “play-acting” for the very young child. This class encourages your child to have confidence in his or her ideas and abilities, develop concentration skills, and learn to work with others. Combines acting, singing, and movement.
BECOME A TRIPLE THREAT!Sign-up for two classes or more in a session and receive a 10% discount on each additional class. Discount available at check out.
Broadway Bound (Ages 6-8) (6720)

SESSION IV: February 15 – April 6, 2025
In addition to learning fundamental dance steps, students will have the opportunity to perform repertory from popular children’s musicals. What a wonderful way to prepare for that next dance audition!
BECOME A TRIPLE THREAT!Sign-up for two classes or more in a session and receive a 10% discount on each additional class. Discount available at check out.
Will run